Class Schedule
Dec 11 - Dec 17
Booking Closes 1 hour before class
Class Descriptions
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Tips for Virtual Classes
Close all tabs and apps on your computer or phone
If you are using your phone, please download zoom prior to the class
Arrive 5 minutes before class to get settled in and see if we have any technical difficulties
Position the phone or laptop to where we can see your full body if you choose to be visible (cam lens about 10 feet away and 2.5 feet from the ground)
Mute your microphone. Feel free to unmute or type in the chat box during the class if you have a question. You also can use thumbs up or down in your video
If you hover over your video or someone's video you can pin that particular video in the middle as your main screen.
Pillows, weights, blankets, cans, water bottles, chairs, and belts can be used as props. Get creative :)
If you'd like to be seen, turn on your video and position your device so that your body is visible. If you'd like to practice without video, that is absolutely ok. We'll come back together at the closing of class and can wave goodbye.
Make your space feel cozy! Perhaps a favorite candle, soft music, or other special item close by.